It is a DC12V/24V buck-boost Converter, input voltage 3-35V, output voltage 1.25-30V, maximum current 2A, conversion efficiency 92%, suitable for example for Solar Power Panels. Application: Applied to the Power adapter, electronic equipment, Car Power Supply and DIY, etc.
Modules nature: Automatic non-isolated
buck-boost (SEPIC)
Rectification: Non-synchronous
Input voltage: DC 3-35V
Output voltage: DC 1.25V-30V
Output current: 2A (max)
Power: 12W natural Cool ( input voltage
higher than 10V), if install heat sink can reach 20W
Conversion efficiency: 92% (MAX)
Switching frequency: 50KHz
Output ripple: 40mV (max)
Load regulation: ± 0.5%
Voltage regulation: ± 2.5%
Operating Temperature: -40 ° C to +85 ° C
Dimension: 48 x 23 x 14 mm
Typical efficiency measurements:
(12.01V * 1.001A) / (24V * 0.574A) * 100% =
Typical efficiency measurements:
(12.02V * 0.501A) / (5V * 1.564A) * 100% =
Some Applications:
Battery voltage regulator: 12V battery
(10-14V) output voltage regulator in 12V, 24V battery output voltage regulator
in 24V.
Solar charge regulator
For electronic equipment power supply, wide
voltage buck-boost design.
Package includes:
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