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Audio-Noise Filter for car/truck

Audio-Noise Filter for car/truck
  • Ground Loop Isolator

This modul filters out unwated noises (buzzing,clicking and whistling), which are inserted by your car. Simply place it between your audio source (eg. CarPC soundcard) and the car amp/radio/aux-adapter. Installation is possible within 10 minutes. The modul can handle up to 15 Ampere (180 Watts Total).


14.95 EUR
incl. 19% VAT, plus shipping
In Stock (17 pcs)

4 von 5 Sternen
40 ratings

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Customer ratings: 4 von 5 Sternen
Average rating, based on 40 ratings
5 von 5 Sternen from mikekappes am 14.05.2008 | | See all my comments

klasse Produkt!!!

99% aller Störsignale sind beseitigt. Besser gehts fast nichtmehr. Lohnt sich auf jedenfall.

3 von 5 Sternen from noxx_ro am 13.05.2008 | | See all my comments

It cleared out all the background noise i've had. The sound is great, no trimming. Recomended if you can't loose the grounding noise in any other way.

5 von 5 Sternen from anocas am 10.05.2008 | See all my comments

Bom supressor de ruido. espero que possa retirar os barulhos de motor...

5 von 5 Sternen from kurtum am 10.05.2008 | See all my comments

excelente produto para quem tem ruidos de motor no som.extemamente facil de montar com fichas rca

5 von 5 Sternen from b.pereira am 11.05.2008 | See all my comments

If you want to get out the noises this is the one. RECOMMENDED

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