Maximum I/O ! That was the main idea when we developed this case for the Intel DN2800MT Half Height motherboard. Next to the ports directly on the motherboard, you will receive in addition:
- 2x COM
- 4x USB
- 2x mounting option for antennas
Chipset/CPU are connected directly to the housing with a massive heat sink for optimum heat dissipation.
The housing may also be used as car-pc. For the optional DCDC-USB converter mounting holes are pre-installed ! (see 3D view for real life example)
For a full PC you need in addition :
- AC/DC adapter (HTPC) or DCDC-USB (Car-PC)
- 2.5" HDD/SSD
Technical data :
Drives : 1x 2.5" (installable through bottom-door)
Front-connectors : 2x USB 2.0, 1x earphone, 1x microphone
Front-buttons : Power, Reset
Front-LED : Power, HDD
Dimensions : 206 x 207 x 67 mm
Scope of supply : Blackpete-DN2800MT enclosure with heatsink and integrated Intel DN2800MT mainboard
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Customer ratings:
![4 von 5 Sternen](
Average rating, based on 4 ratings
You ask for it!
We got a computer and started working. It appears the error on the RS232 port. This computer has two RS232 serial port. Ports does not work, because both cable and connectors between matherboard are wrong type. To correct an error (new right cables with connectors) in the service I paid 95. Costly experience. Now everything is OK, only instructions are very poor.
Best regards,