GNS FM9 TMC receiver (USB)
- TMC !
The GNS FM9 RDS TMC adapter is a FM receiver with RDS/TMC ability.
With this new adapter GNS extends its successful product portfolio. As world-wide the first enterprise developed the company from Germany TMC- and GPS/TMC receivers, which are used for portable dynamic navigation equipment.
The GNS FM9 extends mobile navigation systems with integrated GPS receiver with RDS/TMC functionality. With help of the GNS FM9 the received traffic messages are through-handed to the navigation software, these can again compute an alternative route with consideration of the new traffic conditions and avoid the traffic jam.
Compatible with Car-PC, Laptop, PC (USB)
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Product currently unavailable. We check availability again when ordering.
Auf dem Bild sieht der TMC-Receiver zwar so aus, wie wenn das USB-Kabel "direkt dran" wäre, es gibt aber wie beim GPS-Receiver die "GNS-Adapter-Schnittstelle", bei der man sämtliche GNS-Adpaterkabel anschliessen kann. So kann man z.B. einen separat erhältlichen seriell-Adapter (conrad hat die!) kaufen und den TMC receiver direkt an einen physischen COM-Port anschliessen, anstatt sich mit den schei** usb2serial Treibern herumzuschlagen. ;-)