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Control GPS navi system with touchscreen
By: vitalium
Rank: Starfleet Ensign
Postings: 2
From: n/a
Posted: Do Jul 07, 2011 - 09:40

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Hi everybody .
I want to share info about how posible to control GPS navi box (Garmin GVN 53, Phantom )with touchscreen .
This controller TSC-205IM is designed to "remove" the coordinates of touched point of the screen during connection with a touchscreen of standard monitor or set-in touchpanel control (if such is not available in standard configuration). This device also transfers coordinates of touched point to outer navigation device, which is set in addition.Device also ensures control of outer equipment commutation and gives new opportunities to head (main) car device.

video from youtube :
By: vitalium
Rank: Starfleet Ensign
Postings: 2
From: n/a
Posted: Do Jul 07, 2011 - 10:52

Other controller UPS1 which allow GPS navi Garmin GVN53 be connected to head unit Alpine (pioneer or kenwood). And using head's touchscreen to control GVN53.

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