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Another Roadster T1 in a Peugeot 307 this time
By: Pierre
Rank: Starfleet Captain
Postings: 117
From: n/a
Posted: Fr Mai 14, 2010 - 05:14

I mounted another one Roadster T1 in a 307 HDI.
CarPC and amplifier are installed in the trunk rather than glovebox.
Yes it still runs with linux inside Smile

By: Pierre
Rank: Starfleet Captain
Postings: 117
From: n/a
Posted: Fr Mai 14, 2010 - 05:17

By: Pierre
Rank: Starfleet Captain
Postings: 117
From: n/a
Posted: Mi Mai 19, 2010 - 01:29

Forgot to mention, the 8" 16:9 screen, motherboard and travla casing are from CarTFT.
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