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CTF700-SH - Calibration
By: guims
Rank: Starfleet Ensign
Postings: 5
From: n/a
Posted: Fr Apr 16, 2010 - 08:11

I have just bought a CTF700-SH 7' touch screen.
I have installed the windows 7 drivers and it works.
Resolution is set to 800x600.

My problem is that the "mouse" pointer is around 1 finger under the touch pen contact zone. So I cannot contact all the screen zone (upper part not accessible). And it is very annoying :-(.

As I do not have any CD reader, how can run a calibration without the cd (I guess the software is inclued in the CD provided by Cartft) ?
By: CarTFT
Rank: Starfleet Commander
Postings: 86
Posted: Do Apr 22, 2010 - 10:05

Please download touchscreen driver for Win7 here :

A calibration utility is included with this driver.
By: guims
Rank: Starfleet Ensign
Postings: 5
From: n/a
Posted: Sa Apr 24, 2010 - 11:55

Thanks, it works
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