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CID650 DVD drive problem
By: MiD
Rank: Starfleet Lieutenant, Junior Grade
Postings: 11
From: Russia
Posted: Mi Nov 14, 2007 - 10:39

I have MB Intel D201GL1 and CID650. Before installation touchscreen-driver DVD drive works normaly. But after installation DVD doesn`t work and system recognised tnem as "Unnown device". May be USB port of MB required more power?
By: bes51659
Rank: Starfleet Lieutenant
Postings: 16
From: n/a
Posted: Mi Nov 14, 2007 - 11:25

Have you read my thread? It is anly a week old or so. Do you have the same problem as I?

I have found an article 892050 in ms knowledge base thru

In this article it says that windows xp sometimes have problems detecting USB devices on hubs.

Try connecting the DVD/touchscreen directly to the mobo.

Or order the fix for bug 892050 by specific request to microsoft. Goto

I have downloaded fix and will install it this weekend.

Good luck. B-O
By: bes51659
Rank: Starfleet Lieutenant
Postings: 16
From: n/a
Posted: Mi Nov 14, 2007 - 11:27

The DVD is not powered by USB. It requires more than maximal 500mA. It is powered from 12V
By: MiD
Rank: Starfleet Lieutenant, Junior Grade
Postings: 11
From: Russia
Posted: Mi Nov 14, 2007 - 12:27

Thanks! Smile
By: bes51659
Rank: Starfleet Lieutenant
Postings: 16
From: n/a
Posted: Mi Nov 14, 2007 - 12:52

Let me ask you something.
Does your remotecontrol work?
Does the front have to be opened or closed for the remote to work?
By: bes51659
Rank: Starfleet Lieutenant
Postings: 16
From: n/a
Posted: Mi Nov 14, 2007 - 01:36

More q's :-)

I think you mean MB Intel D201GLY

Does it support 800x480?
I've noticed that the CID650 quite happily accepts more or less any resolution. What resolution is your graphics set on? Comments and thoughts, please.

By: Timo
Rank: Starfleet Lieutenant
Postings: 30
From: Germany
Posted: Mi Nov 14, 2007 - 03:52

From bes51659:

I think you mean MB Intel D201GLY

Does it support 800x480?


yes, it supports 800x480
By: MiD
Rank: Starfleet Lieutenant, Junior Grade
Postings: 11
From: Russia
Posted: Do Nov 15, 2007 - 09:19

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Hi. Yes - all other things works normaly - remote, motorised monitor,... Smile
Only dvd-drive doesn`t work.
Patch 892050 don`t helped me... Sad(
When I manualy cleared system registry and deleted all USB-devices, I have seen dvd-drive again after reboot. Then - after installation touch-drivers - dvd-drive dissapeared.
It`s realy problem in system drivers, but I can`t find any new drivers...
Sorry for my bad english...
By: MiD
Rank: Starfleet Lieutenant, Junior Grade
Postings: 11
From: Russia
Posted: Do Nov 15, 2007 - 11:11

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2bes51659: Sorry - I have seen u have a same problem... Smile
But it was too late...
My current resolution - 800X600. Soft- Centrafused.
I tryed 800X480 and others resolutions - all works normaly
By: MiD
Rank: Starfleet Lieutenant, Junior Grade
Postings: 11
From: Russia
Posted: Fr Nov 16, 2007 - 02:51

no more answers... Sad

My next ideas about resolving my problem:
1. Try to connect CID650 via USB-HUB with outside power.
2. Try to fully reinstall WXP.

all weekend will lost... Smile
By: bes51659
Rank: Starfleet Lieutenant
Postings: 16
From: n/a
Posted: Sa Nov 17, 2007 - 04:37

DVD is 10W, (2A) and USB is <=500mA or even <=100mA if passive hub. That is why I would not hope to much on your #1.

Before you reinstall the whole thing (2) you can try this. This did work for me. And because this did work I am a bit suspicious of the internal CID650 USB hub.

Buy the slim CD interface that has USB and separate 5V power.

Good luck.
By: bes51659
Rank: Starfleet Lieutenant
Postings: 16
From: n/a
Posted: So Nov 18, 2007 - 11:09

My DVD problems are now sorted. I installed 892050 patch and upgraded bios to 1.37 (yes I know we do not have the same mobo)

But I still have to start the system by turning ignition key. I cannot reboot the system from within XP, if I do the DVD is not connected.

Again :-) Good luck
By: MiD
Rank: Starfleet Lieutenant, Junior Grade
Postings: 11
From: Russia
Posted: Mo Nov 19, 2007 - 07:42

thanks for the answers. I resolved my problem: reinstall WXP+KB892050.
Now all works fine - reboote, hibernate - DVD works Smile

2bes51659: internal slim-dvd in cid650 has own usb-interface. And it's possible to separate it from cid650 without buying another dvd Smile
By: bes51659
Rank: Starfleet Lieutenant
Postings: 16
From: n/a
Posted: Mi Dez 19, 2007 - 11:01

I finally tried to separate the DVD USB as you say should be possible. And it was. Just a bit difficult to figure out how to wire it up.

(I did not want to turn of the DVD just because I turned off the monitor)

By: MiD
Rank: Starfleet Lieutenant, Junior Grade
Postings: 11
From: Russia
Posted: Fr Dez 21, 2007 - 01:36

As I remember USB-interface has 4-pin cable, conected with mainboard. And the USB-out has a such-marked cable...
By: bes51659
Rank: Starfleet Lieutenant
Postings: 16
From: n/a
Posted: Fr Dez 21, 2007 - 06:25

That's what you like to believe isn't it :-)

The DVD connector is physically the same as the first one, but pinout is different. You cannot connect the outside cable directly to the DVD even it does fit.

Also is the problem with the 10W required by the DVD. The DVD will not request more than 0,5W or possibly 2,5W on USB (usb protocol) but there has to be 2A available. I connected 5V separately, not going thru the USB cable.

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