- CarPC Forum
Roadster T1
By: Pierre
Rank: Starfleet Captain
Postings: 117
From: n/a
Posted: Mi Okt 03, 2007 - 12:53

A preview of the box and faceplates, i still have to finish the board but time is flowing without waiting Frin
Should be finished and operationnal on Sunday.

Let me present you the Roadster T1

Designed to let you drive any devices in your car through your touchscreen, simply plug and watch them play from you. The power at your fingertips.
Get informations from devices which usually doesn't communicate through CAN or OBD.
You can drive and get feedback from NoS systems, turbo-chargers, water injection, pneumatic struts, actuators, motivators whatever is electrically driven can be piloted with the Roadster.
No more hassles of interfaces boards, everything is in the box. 10 relayed and protected outputs of 10 Amps each.
20 digital inputs, 4 analog inputs, 3 analog outputs.

The actual model is designed to drive 100 Amps of power surge but it can be modified to go up to 200 Amps if needed. It is based on pico-itx.

The inputs / outputs can be configured on demand.

More to come next week with first run...
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