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Modding ict
By: Avarell_Dalton
Rank: Starfleet Ensign
Postings: 5
From: n/a
Posted: Fr Dez 15, 2006 - 08:49

Hi, great choice to release the ict as freeware!

Now to my question. I've been looking around the skin assisst for a while now but cannot figure out how to add buttons to the main window as links to gps info phone control etcetera. Is it possible to change that in the xml-file directly instead? If so, are there a list of commands anywhere?

For me, direct access to phone control is more of interest than watching dvd's, everyone is different you know.

Thx, A.D
By: Avarell_Dalton
Rank: Starfleet Ensign
Postings: 5
From: n/a
Posted: Do Jan 04, 2007 - 09:55

Since no one here seems to understand english (and i cannot express how strange i think that is) I have to answer my question myself. Or no, I know now, you may know it but since you don't find it a good thing to help others, or do not understand english (it is actually 2007 and we all live in the Europeean Union) it's meningless to share my knowledge here.

First, to ask for the command to add to a phone contriol button was a bit stupid of me but the main question percists, is there a list of the commands used by the program? There may be, i don't know, knowing the german language isn't common knowledge!

Do you ever travel abroad? you should, there is much more to see than Germany but beware, learning german is to my knowledge not standard in any country besides Germany (if i'm wrong. i don't care at all, don't bother to proof me wrong).

Regarding the gps info prog, there is a command, i know that now, but it wasn't thanks to ict skin assist, the command just isn't there in the drop down list.

I've modded the prog to look like i want now, if you want to know how, or ask for a car brand skin, ask someone else. I'm done with this. Oh, and btw, it sux big time that it doesn't support id3-tags out of the box, really a challange to try to play a song when all you see is the beginning of the file name, even more of a challenge to try to listen to, for example, pink floyd, the wall - in the right order...

So, guys, thanks for absolutely nothing
By: admin
Rank: Starfleet Vice Admiral
Postings: 463
From: Germany
Posted: Fr Jan 05, 2007 - 02:53

>First, to ask for the command to add to a phone contriol button was a bit stupid of me but
>the main question percists, is there a list of the commands used by the program? There may
>be, i don't know, knowing the german language isn't common knowledge!
Actually the skin-editor is held completely in english language.

There is a list of commands directly implemented in the skin editor on the left side (Button settings). There is no documentation for it, however it should be self-explanatory. For example opening the Phone area is done by "".

>Oh, and btw, it sux big time that it doesn't support id3-tags out of the box,
iCT does support ID3 tags. Maybe you enabled "Show filename rather than ID3" in setup ?

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