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ICT FM Support with Radiator and Happage FM-TV
By: gameond
Rank: Starfleet Ensign
Postings: 2
From: n/a
Posted: So Mär 19, 2006 - 12:56

I have a scratch noise when i power on/off the radio with line-in ON.
Is possible remove this trouble without swith off/on manually the line-in exiting to ICT in the windows mixer?

By: veron
Rank: Starfleet Ensign
Postings: 1
From: n/a
Posted: Di Mär 28, 2006 - 09:06

I continue having dificulties to play dvd through the ICT. The drivers seems to be that are installed properly soon as I hit the button the program goes back to the windows starting page. Sad

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