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Sorry but not speak germany!!! BT-308 with XDAII
By: net36854
Rank: Starfleet Ensign
Postings: 1
From: n/a
Posted: Mi Jul 13, 2005 - 10:11


I'm from Barcelona, and have a XDAII. When start the BT-308, my XDAII stablish connection via Bluetooth and creates connection bluetooth under serial port COM5. When runs GPSInfo, I select the serial COM5 and speed 38400. But when push the start GPS Button, the information screen does not suply any information. Where is the matter???

Please help me.
By: admin
Rank: Starfleet Vice Admiral
Postings: 463
From: Germany
Posted: Mi Jul 13, 2005 - 01:31

You might miss the needed bluetooth passphrase. It is "2003".
Please find it in the manual :
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