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CARTFT 7" Touchpanel
By: Swiss-Master
Rank: Starfleet Ensign
Postings: 2
From: n/a
Posted: Fr Dez 24, 2004 - 11:33

Hallo zusammen
Habe gestern das Touchpanel gekriegt. Nun habe ich leider das Problem, dass mit VGA nur die Meldung "No Signal" erscheint. Habe das jetzt an 3 PCs und an 1 Notebook angeschlossen, doch es kommt nicht mal beim Booten was, also liegts nicht an der Auflösung oder Ähnlichem. Das Kabel (Pins) habe ich gecheckt, die sind eigentlich alle OK. Komischerweise kommt bei Anschluss des Videoeingangs an ein DVD Player ein Bild, nur beim VGA geht gar nix, da blinkt ständig nur "No Signal" auf. Was kann ich machen? Ist das Gerät oder das Kabel defekt? Bitte um Hilfe! Danke und schöne Festtage
By: RR
Rank: Starfleet Ensign
Postings: 4
From: n/a
Posted: Fr Dez 24, 2004 - 05:23

Hi Swiss master,

I'm not German so I'll answer in English if you don't mind.
I'm a newbie myself in this, but I have some suggestions:

If you are connecting it to a portable, then you have to set your screen to out. Usually there's a combination of butons you can push so that the screen of the portable is also put through the VGA out so to speak.

Otherwise, it might be the resolution or the frequency of the computers, have you tried different settings?

By: Swiss-Master
Rank: Starfleet Ensign
Postings: 2
From: n/a
Posted: Di Jan 04, 2005 - 05:41

From RR:
Hi Swiss master,

I'm not German so I'll answer in English if you don't mind.
I'm a newbie myself in this, but I have some suggestions:

If you are connecting it to a portable, then you have to set your screen to out. Usually there's a combination of butons you can push so that the screen of the portable is also put through the VGA out so to speak.

Otherwise, it might be the resolution or the frequency of the computers, have you tried different settings?


Sorry for not answering for such a long time, I don't saw your answer until now.
The things you wrote I tried already, resolution, frequency and the output on the notebook, but no changes... Now i sent the display back, because i think there is an error in it. Maybe it is the cable, maybe the display. Now I hope, they can repair this error Sad
But thanks for your answar and a happy new year...
By: Fabse
Rank: Starfleet Ensign
Postings: 2
From: n/a
Posted: Fr Jan 28, 2005 - 09:32

kann es sein, dass man an dem tft die bildquelle umstellen muss ? wenn cinch geht, aber vga nicht, dann denke ich mal daran. is eigentlich selbstverständlich, aber manchmal sieht man den wald vor bäumen nich
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